Li Ding | 丁立

I'm a final-year PhD candidate at UMass Amherst CICS, advised by Lee Spector. I work closely with Scott Niekum (UMass), Joel Lehman (Stability AI), Jeff Clune (UBC, DeepMind), and Masrour Zoghi (Google Research). I also spent time at Google Research and Meta.

Before PhD, I was a full-time research engineer at MIT with Lex Fridman and Bryan Reimer, and concurrently a graduate student at MIT CSAIL. I did my master's at Univ. of Rochester with Chenliang Xu.


Google Scholar / Github / Twitter / LinkedIn / CV


My research focus is optimization algorithms for large models and AI agents, focusing on:

  • Open-Endedness: generative models and AI agents for open-ended tasks and environments.
  • Human-AI Alignment: preference learning, reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), and safe RL.

I'm also interested and have published in disciplines including quantum ML and human-computer interaction. Before PhD, I worked on deep learning for autonomous driving, cognitive modeling, and action recognition.

Selected Publications

For a complete and up-to-date list of publications, please see Google Scholar.

Pareto-Optimal Learning from Preferences with Hidden Context
Ryan Boldi, Li Ding, Lee Spector, Scott Niekum

Quality Diversity through Human Feedback: Towards Open-Ended Diversity-Driven Optimization
Li Ding, Jenny Zhang , Jeff Clune , Lee Spector , Joel Lehman
ICML 2024
NeurIPS 2023: ALOE Workshop (Spotlight)
[project page] [arXiv] [demo] [talk] [code] [tutorial]

Ever Evolving Evaluator (EV3): Towards Flexible and Reliable Meta-Optimization for Knowledge Distillation
Li Ding, Masrour Zoghi, Guy Tennenholtz, Maryam Karimzadehgan
NeurIPS 2023: RealML Workshop
[arXiv] [code]

Probabilistic Lexicase Selection
Li Ding, Edward Pantridge, Lee Spector
GECCO 2023
[paper] [arXiv] [code]

CLERA: A Unified Model for Joint Cognitive Load and Eye Region Analysis in the Wild
Li Ding, Jack Terwilliger, Aishni Parab, Meng Wang, Lex Fridman, Bruce Mehler, Bryan Reimer
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 2023
[paper] [arXiv]

Optimizing Neural Networks with Gradient Lexicase Selection
Li Ding, Lee Spector
ICLR 2022
[paper] [video] [poster] [code]

Value of Temporal Dynamics Information in Driving Scene Segmentation
Li Ding, Jack Terwilliger, Rini Sherony, Bryan Reimer, Lex Fridman
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2021
[paper] [arXiv] [MIT DriveSeg Dataset]
Press coverage: [MIT News] [Forbes] [InfoQ] [TechCrunch]

MIT Advanced Vehicle Technology Study: Large-Scale Naturalistic Driving Study of Driver Behavior and Interaction with Automation
Lex Fridman, Daniel E. Brown, Michael Glazer, William Angell, Spencer Dodd, Benedikt Jenik, Jack Terwilliger, Julia Kindelsberger, Li Ding, Sean Seaman, Alea Mehler, Andrew Sipperley, Anthony Pettinato, Bobbie Seppelt, Linda Angell, Bruce Mehler, Bryan Reimer
IEEE Access, 2019
[paper] [arXiv] [video]

Weakly-Supervised Action Segmentation with Iterative Soft Boundary Assignment
Li Ding, Chenliang Xu
CVPR 2018
[paper] [arXiv] [poster] [code]

Human Interaction with Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents in Virtual Reality
Lex Fridman, Henri Schmidt, Jack Terwilliger, Li Ding
NeurIPS 2018: Deep RL Workshop


TA for UMass COMPSCI 230: Computer Systems Principles (Summer 2021).
TA for MIT 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars (Winter 2018-19).
TA for MIT 6.S099: Artificial General Intelligence (Winter 2019).

ICLR 2024, ECCV 2024, NeurIPS 2023, ICCV 2023, CVPR 2023, etc.

Open source projects:
google-research/ev3: Meta-learning optimization in JAX.
facebookresearch/d2go: Efficient model training and deployment on mobile platforms.
pyribs: An open-source library for quality diversity optimization.
mit-deep-learning: Tutorials and coding assignments for MIT Deep Learning courses (9k+ stars).

Side projects:

MIT AI Podcast
Helped prepare interview questions, search for guest speakers, etc. for a podcast hosted by Lex Fridman about technology, science, and the human condition.
(Ranked #1 on Apple Podcasts in the technology category, 1M views on YouTube.)
(My personal favorite episode is Tomaso Poggio, highly recommended!)

MIT Robocar Workshop
Instructor for a summer/winter workshop at MIT with Tom Bertalan to college and high school students on building and programming autonomous robocars.

Last updated: 06/2024
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